Steel stamps are an ideal tool for making a touchmark because they offer a long-lasting, cost-effective tool that can be easily customized. Adding a touchmark is often one of the last steps in the creation process, so it is critical that the mark is made correctly. Over the years we’ve helped many artisans and craftspeople make their unique touchmark, and we’ve created a step-by-step guide for making the perfect touchmark.
If using a hand stamp and hammer to make your touchmark, it is essential not to overlook the quality of your materials. Look for a high-quality steel hand stamp that will resist spalling when hit. A hand stamp holder can also be useful when hand stamping because it protects your hands and helps to ensure your safety.
It is also important to select the correct hammer when hand stamping. Choose the proper marking hammer size based on the following criteria: if you're marking a single 1/4” tall character into mild steel, you'll need approximately 2.1 tons of pressure. In this example, we recommend using our O.E. hammer shown in the photo above, 1 lb. weight. Experienced operators can typically use a lighter marking hammer (3/4 lb. in this case). If you’re unsure about what hammer is best for your touchmark, the manufacturer of the steel hand stamp should be able to provide you with a recommendation.
Next, carefully strike the stamp firmly with the hammer (this would be a good time to practice on some scrap material before marking your finished part). If you aren’t careful, the hammer can strike the stamp more than once. When the hammer strikes multiple times, you will end up with double or triple impressions.
A few notes about striking the stamp. First, the speed with which you hit the stamp and the accuracy with which the hammer impacts the stamp is crucial to a successful mark. You want a touchmark that has consistent depth across the entire mark and is clear on the piece. The proper speed and accuracy are essential to achieving this. Second, if you're marking multiple characters by utilizing a handheld type holder, the amount of striking force required to make a clear mark is going to be increased dramatically. Again, we recommend taking the time to practice so that you can get the ‘feel’ for how hard to strike the stamp and learn to control the hammer, so it only strikes once.
If you have any questions about how to use a hand stamp or press to make a touchmark, or would like to learn more about our hand stamps, holders, hammers, or presses, please contact us to discuss your project.