1 min read
1 min read
Matt Martin
Tue, Dec 03, 2013 @ 09:12 AM
Packaging Machinery in Orange, NJ produces new cartoning equipment along with re-building used systems. These cartoning lines are used for consumer products like cosmetics, pharmaceuticals, and food packaging. One of the key features of these production lines is the addition of a part marking coder that marks the date or lot code on each package. These are the born-on dates you see on most packages you buy.
These part marking coders use steel or brass type in order to imprint the date or lot code permanently into the packaging material.
Lyle Clark, Owner of Packaging Machinery & Equipment Co. Inc, says that there is only one place they have gone for over thirty years for their packaging type - Durable Technologies. "Durable Technologies is simply the best. We buy steel and brass type from them for all of the different coding equipment we integrate. We buy compatible type from Durable for various coders from OEM's such as Markem, Kingsley, Jones, Norden, Kalix, Uhlmann, wedge type as well as custom brass dies for cosmetic packages. They know how to design and manufacture the type for each of these coders and their service is excellent. We can't imagine working with anyone else."